Goldfish Studio is a valuable resource for architects, designers, and clients in developing specialized furniture solutions that meet the constantly changing demands of today’s workplace environments. Goldfish Studio offers a range of capabilities and services including open-plan workstations, private offices, reception desks, conference tables, storage components, space-planning and nearly anything else that requires specialized attention. Because we literally start each project with a clean drawing board, we can turn your vision of what your working environment should be into a reality.

During the Pre-Design stage of any project Goldfish Studio works closely with the client and architect to develop a focused conceptual direction that encompasses the functional requirements (workflow, productivity, storage, etc.) and aesthetic considerations (how it should look) that need to be addressed in the workplace. During this phase, we ask the important questions to which your answers provide us with the vital information we use as a starting point in developing your office environment. Through this collaborative effort we can explore various ideas and possibilities that eventually become the conceptual basis for the design of your workspace. Once a conceptual direction is defined our designers begin the process of creating a solution. Space plans, CAD drawings and fully rendered images are produced, reviewed and further refined until a final product package is ready for approval. Upon final approval, Goldfish begins the work of turning the working concept into a real product. This is when your ideas become reality.
Goldfish closely monitors the production of your project during the fabrication stage, thoroughly checking specifications for accuracy, fit and finish. Upon completion, your product is packaged and delivered to site where the Goldfish project management team takes over. Given that your Goldfish furnishings are truly unique, we provide on site project management to ensure that the installation of your office is handled properly.